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What is a "planner"?

The planner is used for students to write down what we are learning, homework, and special reminders daily. Communication about behavior concerns will be written in these as well. Please initial your child's planner daily.

How can I help my child's class/school?

We understand how busy our Sommer Stallion families are, so PLEASE support us by:

  • joining PTA: if the meeting times are inconvenient, that's okay. The PTA programs and fundraising all supports our students, materials, and field trips;

  • ​attending & helping and/or contributing to class parties (we have 3 per year);

  • supporting PTA events;

  • volunteering, when you can, and

  • ​responding promptly to letters, emails, or requests.

How can I register to volunteer?

IN ORDER TO VOLUNTEER IN ANY WAY FOR ANY RRISD SCHOOL, including field trips, each person MUST complete an application and be approved. This is for the safety of ALL children.

Attending field trips and class parties is one way to help. Parents and members of the community have also helped our students become more successful. Please let me know if and how you are willing to help out--possibilities may not be limited to our own class during school hours.

How do I order Scholastic Books?

​If you would like to order from the Scholastic Book Order, click here to order online and use the code: TFV4R

I will not accept cash or check set to the classroom. You can pay online with a debit/credit card.

What days do we go to PE?
We go to PE every M/W or T/TH and Friday.  Please make sure your child is dressed appropriately and is wearing tennis shoes because they do run and go outside every other week.

When is library?
Ms. Lawrence's homeroom will visit the library on Tuesdays at 8:00 am.

Mrs. Morin's homeroom will visit the library on Fridays at 2:00 pm. 

The library has a rotation.  One week we have a 15 minute lesson and 15 minute checkout.  The next week we have 30 minutes to checkout and enjoy reading our new books.  Please be sure your child brings their books to return on their library day.  Students may return and check out new books across the week as needed when there is an opportunity.

My child left a notebook or folder at home.  What do I do?
We will call to see if you can bring it up to the school.  When notebooks or folders come home to show parents or do work, they must be returned the next day.  We work in them everyday so when the item is missing, it disrupts our work and typically makes your child worry.  We will always come up with a Plan B if you can’t bring it, but try to help your child get in the habit of returning items to his/her backpack before bed.

Can my child have snacks or a water bottle in class?
Your child is encouraged to bring in several healthy snacks each day.  We don’t have lunch until 12:40pm so students may eat a snack at anytime between 9:00am – 11:00am.  Please do not send in messy items that could spill or disrupt learning or items that require a spoon or fork.  Water bottles are a must!!  We don’t leave our room for water breaks.  Please send in a bottle that won’t spill free flowing water when knocked over.  Any water bottle that leaks will not be able to be used in the classroom.

Can my child have a hat or sunglasses for recess?
Absolutely!  Your child will be responsible for keeping up with the items so please discuss the possibility of loss or damage before letting them decide to bring them in.

Are the children allowed to bring toys?
There are special days that we allow toys in the classroom.  When students win a prize or privilege, that is one of the options.  I will always have them write a note in the planner to you or I will email so you know it’s approved.  No weapon-like toys are allowed.  Although we will be careful, please discuss the possibility of loss or damage before allowing an item to join us for the day!

What is PBIS?
PBIS stands for Positive Behavioral Intervention Systems.  For more information, visit the school Resources Website

What is Classroom Economy?

This year your child will be participating in a classroom economy system. You can never start too
early teaching your child about financial responsibility. Your child will earn classroom money for jobs and going above and beyond by showing leadership skills, helping others, and staying on the right track. In turn, students may be fined for not meeting classroom expectations, turning in homework, not following PBIS rules, etc. Students will apply for the job of their choosing at the beginning of the year. After paying rent, students can save their money for our class auction. This is where students can bid on “dollar” items brought in by you (if you would like to donate). If you have any questions please feel free to contact me.

What time do children enter your classroom?

The tardy bell rings at 7:40, but if your child is just walking into our room at that time, they will feel late.  We have several morning jobs that must be done and entering at 7:40 means the rest of the room is 10 minutes or more ahead. It doesn’t seem like a a big deal but no one likes to start their day feeling behind, or like they missed things.

What is the policy for making up missing work due to an absence?
Your child will be given one school day to make up work for each day he/she was absent. 2 days absent = 2 days to complete work. While sickness can’t be helped and I will try to work with you as the days pass, I can gather work for students leaving for vacations with at least one week notice. Many assignments are for class completion grades and build upon lessons being taught. The district requests that all vacations take place during holidays and other days given off.  When your child returns, keep in mind that he/she has a set number of days to complete assignments while lessons in class and work for those lessons will also be expected to be completed.  That is a lot to keep up with!

Can I send in birthday treats for my child’s birthday?  What about invitations?
We love birthdays around here and celebrate them if you do!  Donuts, mini brownies, and cookies are easy to eat treats for our class.  Please ask me about any food allergies before sending in treats. We hand them out at the very end of the day.  Birthday invites for the whole class OR for ALL of the girls OR for ALL of the boys are fine to be passed out at school.  If your child may only invite a small group, other arrangements will have to be made.

Why does my child have an “M” for a grade?  Will that “M” be changed?!?!
An M stands for missing.  If your child receives a M on Home Access, this means that the assignment has been graded and your child has not finished or lost the assignment.  I will work with your child to help them resolve missing assignments but want you to be aware when this is taking place.

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